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Top 10 best Nepali movies/series to watch on Netflix 2022

The 2020 pandemic has disturbed or disrupted almost every industry globally. If you were to look at the survivor’s list, you would find OTT along with a few very healthy friends. OTT platforms such as Netflix, PrimeVideo, Roku, Disney Hotstar, Disney+, Apple TV have set a new bar on how content providers should deliver content to their intended users. There is something for everyone. OTT is personalized for me, for you and millions of others. Recently OTT was making headlines in Nepal, with Nepal Governments’ new rule to regulate OTTs on the 11th amendment to National Broadcasting Regulation 2052 BS. Here for more -> (Nepal Government Regulates OTT & IPTV Platforms – NepaliTelecom). Let’s not get into all that mumbo-jumbo. Thousands of Nepali people are flocking Netflix, PrimeVideo, Hotstar, Ullu ( Ahem!… I saw you smile) using an account given by a friend that belongs to that friend’s friend. Some use their dollar cards or get them from a “Netflix Account Provider.” How they procure their slice of Netlflix sub is a different problem not to be discussed at this moment. We are here to discuss what they could watch if they wanted the content language to be in Nepali. So let’s get started with our list of the Top 10 best Nepali movies/series to watch on Netflix 2022.

1. Pahuna (2017)
Starring child-actors Anumol Limboo and Ishika Gururug in a lead role (also their baby brother Bishal), the story of Pahuna revolves around a journey of two children separated from their mother and father. IMDB says, “Pahuna is a story of 3 Nepalese children facing extraordinary circumstances. The emotion transcends barriers of language and geography.” This movie has a rating of 7.6 in IMDB and is actually an Indian Movie produced by Priyanka Chopra. Based on the Northeast setting in India, this movie can be watched by all the family members together. Highly recommended!

Top Movies to Watch Nepal

2. 14 Peaks (2021)
14 Peaks is an adventure documentary. According to IMDB, 14 peaks is about a fearless Nepali mountaineer Nirmal Purja, who embarks on a seemingly impossible quest to summit all 14 of the world’s 8,000-meter peaks in seven months. 14 was all around the Nepali social media diaspora a few months ago. From memes to parties that could generate a lot of memes, 14 peaks was everywhere. Legend has it; 14 peaks was even viral in the 15th peak.
Quick Joke
A Group of pigeons are playing Kabbadi. What is it called?
14 Beaks
What is a serious assault?
14 Kicks
What is a gangbang? Well, never mind… You get the joke!

14 chicks

Bottom line: This was viral. This was in memes. This is a very good watch if you are into adventure documentaries. We are proud of you, Nims Dai and the entire team involved. (Society would not accept us if we don’t say this.) IMDB rating for this documentary is 7.8

Note : 14 Peaks is available in english & hindi only. But you can find people speaking nepali throughout this documentary. Alteast its something!

14 peaks









Where did the rest go?
Nowhere! It wasn’t there in the first place. Because there are none which I can recall or find on Netflix since this article is about Netflix. One may argue you can look into regional OTTs and find much Nepali content to watch. But I don’t expect a person to pay for dozens of OTT subs a month for content. Looking at a different perspective, even youtube is an OTT, and you can find almost everything on youtube. You may even find a video of your neighbours’ mukabang. ( Not related to gangbang) But I would not recommend watching what you find on youtube in Nepal these days. Almost everyone with a camera phone is a cinematographer-cum-director-cum-storyteller. Anyone with a hot girlfriend is an influencer-podcaster. ( Ahem! There I said it… )And all you see is content where politicians talk about ethics and the biggest narcissist talk about empathy, not to forget the dumb-TWATS ( Tanker Without the Tank .. We’d never go vulgar). Where else would you find multiple angle documentaries of a mainstream female actor defending another actor who is under investigation and accused of raping a minor? Let’s not go there. Visiting youtube for quality content is like going to a mediocre psychotherapist. You can’t find what you want, and he already has your deepest-darkest secrets(information).
The Nepali movie/show industry has evolved in the past few years. We have a ton of quality content coming out of old and emerging talents. But their access to OTT giants such as Netflix, PrimeVideo & Hotstar is limited. It’s high time we look into making Nepalese content available to the rest of the world. Nepal is a fascinating country with many stories to show and tell. Getting our content on platforms with millions of users flocking with utmost attention is absolutely necessary to ensure we are seen and heard.
Create and Watch responsibly!

And since you are already here,
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Diwas Pandey

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